Like Jazz is the second album with Natural Artefacts, released in 2006. The recording was made at the living room at original members Ove Johansson and Susanna Lindeborg in Steninge in region Halland, Sweden. The group did the recording by themselves. Mixing and and mastering was made by Palle Bothén at Element Studio in Gothenburg.


Vild dator gör jazz

Mikael Strömberg Aftonbladet 30/4-06 about about Like Jazz

En vild dator, en tenorsaxofon på långa utflykter och ett piano som inte vill vara som andra. Det kan bli jazz. Och det blir något åt det hållet när Susanna Lindborg, Per Anders Nilsson och Ove Johansson gör musik tillsammans under täcknamnet Natural Artefacts. Hör upp nu! Inte sedan Weather Report har jazzen tagit sådana kliv framåt – oavsett hur man värderar Natural Artefacts insatser. Om Weather Report gjorde något åt jazzens låsta ljudbild och sedan började utnyttja elektronikens (synten) möjligheter för att nå ett nytt sound, har Natural Artefacts släppt in en kameleont i trion, datorn. Resultatet blir kraftfullt experimentell. Som lyssnare förflyttas man in och ut genom en mängd olika rum där jazzen normalt inte brukar finnas; eam (elektroakustisk musik), seriell komposition, slump, techno, ambient.

A wild computer, a tenor saxophone on long trips and a piano that doesn’t want to be like others. It could be jazz. And it becomes something like that when Susanna Lindborg, Per Anders Nilsson and Ove Johansson make music together under the cover name Natural Artefacts. Stop now! Not since Weather Report has jazz taken such steps forward – no matter how you value Natural Artefact’s efforts. If Weather Report did something about jazz’s locked soundscape and then began to exploit the possibilities of electronics (synths) to reach a new sound, Natural Artefacts have let a chameleon into the trio, the computer. The result is powerfully experimental. As a listener, you are moved in and out through a variety of rooms where jazz is not normally found; eam (electroacoustic music), serial composition, random, techno, ambient.



